It was a desperate need to vent out frustration. And now it has become into a space for celebration, nostalgia, remembrance and just plain rubbish that goes on in my mind!! MayDay is my PENSIEVE !!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Dear 'Goddess',
Why contradict your words by displaying exactly the oppposite actions and emotions?
Why stick to certain rules when you don't want to?
Why show modesty when your cheeks are swelling with pride?
Why deny something when you know, that we know, that you know??
Gurl, if you like the guy, admit it, and save us all the miss-goody-two shoes nausea.
P.s. thnks yashada for allowing me to post ur post on my blog!!!!!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My bosses 1.2 year old kid just manage to speak out my name!!!!!
She goes precisely like
and its sooooooooooo sweeeeeetttttttttttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!
I, along wid her ,had almost lost my head due to the excitement!!!!!
I lost it coz i heard my name being said by her........and she lost it, because she hd never seen any grown-up behave in such a childish manner!!!!!!!!! LOlzzz......
A perfect way to start, wht is left of your weekend!!!!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Five point promises..................
The above passage is taken from the prologue of Chetan Bhagat’s ‘ Five point someone’. For some very weird reason I always happen to enjoy the prologue more than the book. I have been through many situations like these, though now that I look back, the reasons for my desperation were as kiddish as it could possibly be. Some of them even make me laugh on myself.
However, what has remained very strong is the feeling of desperation, when nothing works as per your calculation. The feeling of being let down and you know that it’s all your stupidity but not necessarily your fault.
And also the absurd promises that you would end up making.
Things like……
God, if pass in this exam I will………
Please let this person pull through…my friend deserves better…it this happens, I will………….
I had made such absurd promises, which I now intent to keep. And thankfully I did manage to keep the only promise that ever made to myself .
I never thought that I could.
But I just did it!!!!!!
Friday, December 01, 2006
This is my........whtever u wanna call it......heheheheheheheh
You Have a Melancholic Temperament |
Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything. You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life. You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you. Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace. You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life. Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times. At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you. You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others. You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult. |
I never ever believed in such stuff. But now, i cant deny that da above written crap is pretty intresting!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Swapna sundari wearing maxi
So, as I was saying, this jingle is absolutely mindless with the most gruesome effects done to the voice of the singers………who btw should have just killed themselves before doing such a crime. Lets thank god that a cheesy video was not made to be put on TV.
Now since I have bashed-up the jingle like crazy……….am sure that u must have assumed that I hate it…but wrong ur !!!!! I absolutely enjoy this mindless piece of shit for simply standing out of da rat race!! Also for the fact that this song has made me sit-up and take notice of it, lemme also add that it is the most “different” sounding jingle on air and definitely not the conventional jingle ever made.
The male voice is well………..male but with a very diff twist to it. I cant describe it but its diff…and I don’t quite mind it………….
The female voice on the other hand…………….is the most ingeniously done artwork. It stands out, it will stay with u for the day, irritate u da entire day, but u would still end up listening very intently to the jingle.
I absolutely enjoy the jingle…………………….but here is a conversation related to the jingle which I had enjoyed even more.
One day after college, I was graciously offered a lift home, which I gladly accepted. Just a few minutes into the journey this favorite jingle of mine started playing. We both listened to it very intently…………..and heres our conversation that followed…
P : Tell me what does maxi mean????
Me: kyu????……..abhi kyu sujha yeh???!!!
P : arre…is gane main hai na………….. “Swapna sundari wearing maxi”isliye pucha maine!!!
Me: ohh……………..
( I ws secretly praying to myself ki God plz……………….i dnt want to have a discussion on this topic now…..and especially not here………..god plzzzzz…..god
plzzzzz )
P: bol na………………
Me: hmmmmmmmmm…………………….
( I absolutelt want to avoid this topic……… wht do I talk abt????……..plz dear gal think of a good topic fast and change it………………..jaldi soch………….)
Me: Sochne de……………………………
( plz………………god help me……………wht topic should I talk abt now…………..)
so I pretend to look out of the window. Suddenly the grillwallas, fruitwallas, vegetablewalla, ghas-pus, jhopadpatti all seem very very intresting to me…………..
Me: ( still thinking hard for a diversion, it must have made me look tht I ws stoned and there came da damn voice again………)
P: Arre……..bol na……….
Me: ( my stupid pea-sized brain desereted me…… now I would hv to answer the damn qestion………how if could throw the person out and run frm here……….towards freedom from the question………so finally I answered…….)arre……….maxi essentially means a womens night-coat!!!!!!
Me: (just get satisfied wid this answer and end da damn topic………..or I would throw myself under the bus which is stuck in da traffic besides us……………….damn u man!!!! Why do ppl ask such uncomfortable question??? )
P: ohh….aisa kya!!!!!
Me: (plz shut up………………I cant take this anymore… and I think my answer is acceptable)
P: night coat matlab kya??????
Me: ( aab meri wicket udgaye……….aab sab explanation again…shit man……but its fine……….bol deti hu aur finish kar dalti hu……..yeh sab puchneko main hi mili kya !!!!! uuuufffff………..)
Me: arre…women’s night-coat essentially means the gown re… (Which females in Mumbai shamelessly wear while goin to buy veggies and all)
P: ohh………..
Me: ( aab toh chup raho………its too embarrassing man………….aise kya puchneka……how stupid!!!! )
A moment or two passes by very peacefully. I think that my latest answer has been very smoothly accepted without any hiccups……….so 3 cheers for me for surviving such a conversation.
P: par main hamesha se yeh sochta tha ki maxi matlab long skirt!!!
Me: ( arre…kahani main twist…..isko yeh kisne bataya…..all wrong info passed on!!! )
Arre nahi……..long skirt matlab midi………….
P: arre nahi………sun……long skirt matlab…………………… maxi
Midium length matlab……………… medi
A n d……….
Short skirt matlab………………….. mini
That was a killer of an answer. Mere muh pe yeh classic answer phek ke mara……….aisa lag raha tha……this answer ensured me a very good and a hearty laugh due to which I almost chocked up………I again turned my attention towards the grillwallas, fruitwallas, vegetablewalla, ghas-pus, jhopadpatti all of them again seemed very very intresting to me…………..but this time……………I was bursting with laughter!!!!
My friend’s simple and very clear logic had stumped me and left me laughing uncontrollabaly ………..on my self and also on all the stupid and pointless thoughts that were goin on in my head!!!!!
It again goes without saying that I have started enjoying this jingle even more. For the pure genius of making it the way it is and for the conversation that followed!!!!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Two weeks that went by…………………..
Firstly, I got a job and that too without giving any interview. Which was actually very good coz writing my CV was proving to be very depressing!!!!!
I suddenly realized that I didn’t have any talent in me!!!!!!!!
But then I found a way around this feeling………it simply meant that I had not thought enough of my talents…….. hey I can totally gossip, I can absolutely convince confused people about things that they reassurance about, I can actually do many things that I thought that should not be mentioned in my CV but then a royal peep into other people’s CV taught me the basic rules of boasting in a CV!!!!!!!
And I can now proudly say that I have totally learned and mastered the art!!! Lol…
Secondly, I had a very beautiful realization!!!!!!!
Just 2 weeks in office has taught me sooooo much that I feel those 5 years in college has been wasted. Well not wasted exactly, coz I made gr8 friends, I have some of the best memories of sooooo many incredible incidences……………and the list will go on…. but the list comprises of mainly many personal and social experiences…………….academically zero!!!!!!!
This might be a little exaggeration ………but then this exact sentiment was echoed by one of my professors when I was in college………so I don’t think that later on I would actually want to change my statement!!!!!
Thirdly, I made a record of eating ice cream!!!!!!!
On my b’day my bosses ordered for boxes of ice cream. And since they didn’t no what flavor I liked they ordered one box of their choice and another box of chocolate almond!!!!!!!!!!!
So after lunch 5 of us took charge of the ice cream and eat more ice-cream than our lunch!!!!!! With a totally full stomach, and no 1 in a mood to work we had a gala time later…par afsos….. a deadline had to be caught-up with and work had to be resumed!!!!!!
It was soooo cool to be working on my b’day!!!! I had absolutely no problems!!!!!!! And if I get paid for my work……… would really be fantastic month for me!!!!
[This business abt not being paid for work is what us architects face all our lives, so there is absolutely no need for anybody to get scandalized!!! We all eventually learn to live with scarcity of money and constant cribbing……heheheheheh……..hard facts of my life………]
And yes……………MY BLOG JUST TURNED 1………………my baby is 1 year old… I still can’t believe it…………..
All in all life seems to be treating me very well!!!! And with this festive season of
Diwali, how in the world can anyone feel depressed!!!!
YA……….but just 1 complain………..dnt light crackers which create tooo much of air, sound and paper pollution!!!!!
Its really bad coz I have just realized that my windowsill has a thin layer of dust collected on it………….and, which I suspect, is the residue of the gunpowder used in crackers. PLZ stop this noise. Take an oath, as some of the schools have made their students undertake it, that I would not light crackers in any form, instead would donate the money to the needy!!!!!!!!!
Now that would be a good way to start a New YEAR!!!!!
Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year!!!!!!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Matchsticks and 3-year olds!!!
I am still shocked!!!!! I had gone for a walk in the evening because it was so pleasant out-sides, but the effect turned out to be more unpleasant than ever!
Matchboxes are definitely not toys and are NEVER to be given to kids. But here was this sight, which so shocked me that I almost stood there and ended up shamelessly staring at her!!!!!
As I got over the sight I was looking around if she was accompanied by anyone. And then I spotted her…………………….her mother happily leaning on the gate and chatting in a very embarrassingly loud voice with god-only-knows-whom!!!! I seriously felt like screaming and asking that stupid woman whether she was aware with what her kid was up to!!!!
Careless women!!!!
And here is the best part……………….that little girl had such a flawless action of lighting the matchstick that you could obviously conclude that this action was regularly performed by her. To top it all she was practically throwing lighted matchsticks on road, which was liberally littered with dry leaves and paper or all the stuff, which could have easily caught fire!!
I can’t understand how could anyone allow such profanity to happen. Simply shows the lack of civic-sense in that so-called adult who obviously looked like her mother!!!!!!! The sight was so disturbing that my entire evening was practically ruined by this thought. Besides the thoughts about how efficient the girl was with lighting the matchsticks, another thought suddenly surfaced.
Last year, I happened to watch a particular episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show, which highlighted the bride-burning phenomenon in India. And they showed many clips of women in hospital beds, moaning in pain and I should think practically waiting and hoping to die!!!
The sight and the cause of their state were extremely disturbing to watch. And yesterday all of a sudden that very particular episode, complete with all the visuals and sounds [that too in minute detail] were replayed in my mind!!!!!!!!
I can’t think of a direct connection with between these two incidents, but maybe the direct relation of flame and carelessness put such thoughts in my head. Another disturbing thought put in my head, which lasted till I forced myself to stop thinking and sleep.
I sincerely hope that such acts of carelessness are never repeated. Because, god-forbid, if anything goes wrong the whole family would have to face a serious trauma besides the injured person!! And here I am not even talking about the amount of physical pain! And even if people are not bothered about such acts……….I hope that I would henceforth learn to ignore such things. To simply keep my sanity safe and sound.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Nameless and faceless children of Mumbai!!!!!!!
En-route to college, is a municipal school. I am guessing that their timings match with my college timings. Hence after certain stops the bus gets jam packed with school kids. And then the real fun starts. Every new sunshine would bring a new trick, gossip, facts, cricket scores and much more information from them to my ears.
One of the most noticeable things about this bus is the decibel level of these kids. It’s unbelievable!!! I would really like to see any self-acclaimed kumbhakaran trying to catch some sleep……………hehehehehheeh…it’s impossible!!!! And the screaming and shouting is often very interesting [only if you can understand their different accents].
The decibel thing goes like this. One kid, standing right behind the driver, would happily have a conversation with his friends standing at the rear end. A huge group of girls would be scheming to do something that they were obviously not meant to do and then they would realize that this very nosy guy, who was busy eavesdropping on them, overheard their entire plan. So then the fight would start, these girls versus the lone guy!!!! And its really not necessary to say that the guy usually got a healthy thrashing and none his friends would even attempt to help him out!!!!! And the conductor would be no less a tormentor. Everyday….mark my words…everyday he made the guys open their bags and show him their concession passes. Only then would the moron give them the tickets. I call him moron not because he asked for the passes…but because of him…I had to may times take in enough pushing and shoving of schoolbags and umbrellas, especially its sharp edges, on my shoulder and sometimes even on my face!!!!!
And the sizes of the kids………why I can swear by the fact that some of the kids are no even more than 3 feet tall but the bags that they carried were even heavier than the rest of the kids. Some of them are simply soooooo small that in a seat were 2 adults can sit…. but not very comfortably, I had the pleasure of witnessing 5 kids sitting comfortably on the seat…. and inviting the 6th one to join them. So now how small they are would be glaringly evident.
You see one way it’s actually great pleasure to see these kids make a huge effort to at least attend school. What quality of education do they receive is a very different story. But early in the morning when we all complain of not sleeping the whole night because the dogs were howling through out the night of maybe coz the AC was not working and many more reasons……………….never ever did I hear these kids complain about not getting enough sleep or dogs, cats, mosquitoes spoiling their sleep. Not even once. All that I heard was excited chatter, screams and fights.
In a way, I am actually very proud of them. I say this not because I ever taught them anything or had anything to do with them. I have seen them grow up…and yes they did grow very fast………they seem to have matured too. Some kids decided to bring with them their younger siblings, some faces I never saw again, some faces I could make out that given an opportunity would do splendid in the future, some faces told me that they were expert loafers, some simply wanted to get away for everyday life and going to school would give them that freedom, the list of reasons is endless……….but of course this is the list of reasons that I have thought of. It may not even come any way never to the real reasons. But nonetheless, these reasons are good enough for me!!!! It has actually become my hobby to associate a past with every new face that I can see and also their reason for being in that very space as me at that time.
I write this post because I feel their presence should be acknowledged in my life. These kids have provided me with entertainment and a lot of fodder to think about. Moreover, I fear that, with my graduating from the college, I might never get to see these kids progress beyond what I have seen them. The thought of not seeing new faces in the bus makes me feel bit nostalgic about my own graduation. The frequency of my traveling in that particular bus has diminished in this year, next year it will cease to exist.
So hear I take the opportunity to write about the kids, and if in some case I chose to forget them, this post would refresh me memory.
And never ever keep the volume down!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
New pics!!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006
Does honestly have any value left????
Or is it a virtue which should just be flaunted damn well confuses me!!!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Random switches
Read it only if u wanted cheap entertainment from a partial sadist, confused and disoriented person
The realization did come…but I often refused to acknowledge it. I didn’t not want to give the feeling a power to govern a part of my life which I had so force filly kept aside, locked up without ever planning to take it out.
It made me feel as a very different person. Without any bag-baggage. Without any reason to even look back once and think about all that I have done, the mistakes that I have made, some knowingly and some unknowingly.
Often being in a state of denial is the best way to deal with the situation……….unfortunately it applies only for the person concerned and not for those who around them. Same is the case with me. I had hoped the transition would happen without me realizing it and without much effort. But its not so!!!!!
The transition is THE most difficult part. And acceptance of the transition is a very different story altogether. A territory, which is practically untouched. The path of acceptance, which is very dreadfully, is the only one left yet it is somehow unacceptable…………..
Life has come a full circle for me!!!! First the fact that we had to manage first year kids [they were actually kids, with extremely juvenile behavior and a huge splash of attitude added to spice things up] and then the ganapati days!!!!!!!
Reality did come crashing down on me!!!! First the realization that I have grown up. Secondly, the shock of the kids, the generation gap [this sounds over-exaggerated but its soooo true]. And thirdly trying hard to come to terms with the fact, again this year, that the person who you loved and worshipped and respected so much has gone and will never come back even if u dream that it would eventually happen one day!!!!!!!!
I cant put my thoughts in any order. Cant think of ways of not relapsing back in the past when I clearly know has no relevance now, coupled with the fact that people around me have truly moved on. But still I am trying to put it past me.
At this point of time, I cant let go of my past, my present is very uncertain and my future is what I am too scared, nervous and optimistic and yet very uncertain off!!!!!
So the solution of my problem [ I never went looking for a solution but it was presented to me nonetheless ] came very simply from a very dear friend with whom I had a little heated conversation…………..just 1 sentence from my friend and now…I am cured!!!!!!!! Well almost partially………….maybe till next year that is!!!!
Actually u no what…u need a good kick to get you out of this mode of urs. You scare me to death with all this idiocy……………
Friday, August 11, 2006
Finding you !!!!!!
"You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we
don't recall them more clearly than ever-in times of great trouble? Your
father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you
have need of him. How else could you produce that particular Patronus?
Prongs rode again last night."
You know, Harry, in a way, you did see your father
last night.... You found him inside yourself."
The essence of the paragraph has always made me read the last part of the book more often. To be able to read and understand the message, I have always ended up reading the climax first and only then does the rest of the book follow!!!!
I can never really explain why I love these lines. The reason being, every time I read them, I think I have finally understood them most clearly, but it never turns out that way. I always end up finding a new meaning. Each time the new found meaning as good as the last one.
The words, each and every one of them is so true!!
It’s really funny that, such a thought should be written in a children’s book!
Let me end this post with another quote. Again on the same lines, but stating the obvious more clearly!!!!
Where are you searching for me, friend? Look! Here am I right within you. Not in temple, nor in mosque, Not in Kaaba, nor Kailas, But here right within you am I. – Kabir
Monday, June 26, 2006
Flower Power!!!!!
[I really have doubts about him studying very hard coz whenever I entered his room I had caught him listening to music or playing computer games!!!!!…Well almost very time………ok…not exactly every time…but what the hell!!! I might as well exaggerate!!!!..Hehehehe]
This directly implied that all the chores that were done by him were suppose to be done by me, in addition to my daily chores. Still, fair enough. But what I was not aware was that he everyday used to go first thing in the morning to get flowers from within our compound for the pooja at around 8 am [irrespective of if he has college or not] for my granddad!!!!!!!
And I hate even stepping out of the threshold of the house without having a bath…coz it just makes me feel lazy!!!!!!
So this deal was totally ghate ka sauda for me!!!!!
After 1 day of throwing attitude and making my bro get it, I was fired and asked to do it…and that to at 8am…God!!!!!!!!!
So…next day I did have to go down to get flowers………..I simply enjoyed the experience!!!!!!!!!! For a job that ideally would take about 5-10min, it took me an hour and that too came home coz I was called!!!!!!! Sheesh……………..
I have always loved flowers. Their colors, geometry, the birds and the insects which are attracted because of them, their fragrance, the sticky fluid that is secreted if they are picked…all these things and many more have always fascinated me!!!!!
Unfortunately, for many years down the lane, I never had taken any special notice of the garden, which is right in my building compound!!!! And the worst part is that, I can’t think of any valid reason as to why I simply chose to ignore their presence!!!!!!! Its surprising that we chose to ignore things which are right in front of your eyes and yet they are all right in front of you. Waiting to get acknowledged.
This incident suddenly made of aware of the presence of these flowers.
I remember, as a child, I had always loved to water this garden [It was very intricately maintained earlier]. I always ended up royally dirtying myself with muck and water and returning home for a shower after 3 hrs of pure fun!!!!!! I used to sometimes even want o water the garden in the monsoons because it gave me a very good reason to have fun!!!!
But all this was years ago!!!! I have grown up! [Well……. hopefully!!!! Lolzzz] The garden is almost neglected…well almost!!!!
There are many new residents, which I was not aware of in the garden, and many old ones also. I was totally amazed!!! I simply cannot jot down how glad I felt for coming back to them all. It was truly an experience to be remembered!!!!!!!!
For 1 whole month this had become an “event” in my daily schedule, which I had then started looking forward to. I made sure that I brought up a huge pile of flowers which if distributed…. could be supplied to half of my locality!!! Lolzz…
With my college starting, I have not gone down to get more flowers…however I now make it a point to simply go and check on them, whenever I can. With the onset of monsoon in Mumbai, I am hoping to see even more colors and fragrances. Also hoping to see birds of all colours, shapes and sizes !!!!!!!
I had gone simply crazy trying to arrange and sort the flowers!!!! Here are some of the pics!!!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Hibernating mode is activated
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Long time no say........
- Whenever a exams approaches sleep has to take control of all ur thinkin, workin, eating, drinking and eveything................the more tht ur behind ur schedule the more sleepy u get.......!!!! LoL
- If u dont come under the first category then.....................ur a loser !!!! LoL !!!!
- 2 days before the exam u realise tht u dont hv enough xeroxes of the subject and there is a mad rush to xerox .....everything...!!!!!!! the race is sooo intense tht half of ur cell balance is wasted in callin up people and ordering for more xeroxes or askin them if they already have them!!!!!
- The fight to xerox is sooooo intense tht...........inevitably fights will take place over very trivial matters [ this is mostly seen in girls..................god nos where the guys r !!!! ]
- Such fights r gr8 attention grabbers [ for those who r hungry for attn and r currently gettin ignored] and pure form of entertainment for the others [ here, others include .......the xeroxwalla, ppl like me and the strangers who r patiently waitin to xerox their stuff ] LOL..........!!!!
- Also the xeroxwalla is everones hero and the most sought after guy among everyone....heheheheh !!!!
- And finally in this mad rush for xeroxin............u never remember who has to pay whom for the xero, u always end up gettin an extra xerox or 1 less, ur money is goin down the drain coz u very well no tht ur never gonna read half the notes tht u hv xeroxed
AND HERE IS THE BEST PART...............................
in this entire melodrama of xeroxin, the only guy around would be the xeroxwalla !!!!!!!!!.......................All the other guys frn ur class would be either sleepin peacefully in their beds OR playin T.T. OR hanging out together in a place which dosent have a xeroxwalla in 1 km radius.
and very smartly these guys would later simply go through the notes and xerox it for themselves......and since its been already used and gone through , the impt parts r already underlined....and VOILA, their job is done....LoL !!!!!
I think i am gonna do the same thing next year...............actually i hope i would not hv to hunt for notes at such a last moment.................but as they say, old habbits die hard................i no tht such a thing would never happen..................and the story would repeat itself...............!!!!! LOL
Wish me luck for my exams , plz !!!!!!!!! I relly need it !!!!!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Simply gorgeous!!!!!!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Did u ever feel.............this way
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Power equations............a generation awakens
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
.................... i had deciced to bunk coll and say at home and WORK. And i had even seriously started workin.......i was makin good progress.........and then my mom tells me tht ur classmate just called.............and u have to attend coll or else u wont be able to give the jury on thursday.....................PHULEEZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wht rubbish!!!! does our princi think we r babies and he can make us think and work accordin to his leisure and pleasure.................or is it the fact tht power makes man do real crazy stuff [ this logic applies to all involved in this as the chose ones ] was the most stupid thing to have happened.......................and why me............the day i choose to bunk....all this melodrama takes place..............
it always happens to me...........when i bunk, faculty gets pissed and i have to write a sick test paper twice or i wont be allowed in class.............i bunk and the faculty gets pissed and i am made to come to class to do work which is even not of this year....................
it is a very serious problem ..........for us and everyone in general...........there r reasons we bunk...and instead of firing and penalising the students for bunkin, the faculty should try and understand the reasons behind bunkin.............we bunk coz somethin suck....and wht sucks is wht has to be dealt with.............callin all the students and threatening them is definaely not the solution................
our coll claims tht they r very liberal with the students???........r they relly????..
they claim tht faculty members can be addressed by their first liberal...........butt r they relly????
they may be liberal in whtever context they choose...............but i feel cheated coz my basic democratic right of chosin is mercilessly snatched frm me...............and i was under the impression tht this is a democratic country.........seriously PAUL..............grow up.........learn to call spade a spade......accept the fact tht 5th year WD sucks today [ as in 4th yr] ..... it relly point pretendin................WAKE UP before its too late..........the CAA tried to arouse u frm ur slumber............. but if u choose to ignore it again............then there may be a huge problem ahead......................i feel it...........wake up man..........
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Exam Time...................
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
End of the road.........or a start of a new begining
Monday, January 23, 2006
Will not ignore this blog for a long time................
Will not ignore in general..................
Will try and stay away frm the colour orange for a while.............
[ god knows why ppl have problem with tht colour.......such a bright and happy colour]
Will try to igore the ppl who should be ignored.............
[ actually ignore them even more]
As i read this post , i have just realised how negative this post has become .............but had not intended it to be tht way.......i have made this resolutions so tht my life becomes easier and better and have just ended up with an irony.........some things in life r just beyond logic........atleast for me!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Happy New Year.................a gr8 week for a start!!!!!
Unfortunately coll started on 2nd and had to attened as we had workshops................but it was a very amusing and xcitin week............a week overloaded with work..........but the fun was also unlimited. students........talent night.......night maroing in the coll and at friends place..................the presentation..............the SPICE Girls.................Koreans [ they were soooooo cute.....especially the twin towers ]......................the DRESS rehersals and the drama tht went with it............the actual dance.........solo performance in a group dance...............the most-xcited-abt-but-not-perform-mujrah..............the videos of the performances..........the review of some missed performances................Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wht fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neways..................heres wishin Happy and Prosperous New Year to eveyone.......i no its very late but better late than never..............